Thursday, July 18, 2013

2nd Reason to Register for the Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo

There are 2 days until the Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo. Here is the 2nd reason you should register, share the links and attend:
"Africa has produced countless numbers of men and women, in war and in peace, whose lustre and bravery outshines that of any other people. Then why not see good and perfection in ourselves? We must inspire a literature and promulgate a doctrine of our own without any apologies to the powers that be."
~ Marcus Garvey 

No matter how much we dream or talk about having a system of education that promotes and uplifts our youths' well-being, we'll never achieve it if we don't come together, learn from one another, and make significance gains to that end. The Expo will house several, powerful educators and speakers and will be attended by like-minded people who can each contribute to the greater good. 

Let's DO this!!

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