Saturday, July 20, 2013

#1 Reason to Register for the Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo

Here's the #1 reason to register, share our links and attend the expo:

We've only got ourselves to depend on for liberating the minds our youths. This is the protection we can give them for living a better life!

The knowledge is out there and each of us has a piece. We succeed when we bring our pieces of the puzzle together.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

2nd Reason to Register for the Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo

There are 2 days until the Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo. Here is the 2nd reason you should register, share the links and attend:
"Africa has produced countless numbers of men and women, in war and in peace, whose lustre and bravery outshines that of any other people. Then why not see good and perfection in ourselves? We must inspire a literature and promulgate a doctrine of our own without any apologies to the powers that be."
~ Marcus Garvey 

No matter how much we dream or talk about having a system of education that promotes and uplifts our youths' well-being, we'll never achieve it if we don't come together, learn from one another, and make significance gains to that end. The Expo will house several, powerful educators and speakers and will be attended by like-minded people who can each contribute to the greater good. 

Let's DO this!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

3th Reason to Register for the Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo

We are 3 days away from the Liberated Minds Expo. Here's the 3rd reason you should register, share our links and attend:

You can see the Liberated Minds Homeschool Association in action. Our purpose is to be a trustworthy, conscientious, and dependable resource in the "true" education of our youth and families. By providing consistent support, guidance, and current relevant information, it is our commitment to assist in all academic subjects and critical life areas that cultivate our children to be young dedicated scholars, critical thinkers, builders, and problem solvers; addressing the specific needs of Black/Afrikan people. Our vision and mission is to raise consciousness and awareness of the greatness of our Afrikan legacy and its' importance in the development of our foundation. It is also our goal to explore our plight globally, and provide solutionary materials and mediums for our children at various stages. This will assist in wholistically fortifying the success of each and every one of our youth. We have been called to rejuvenate the spirit, inspire the mind, and re-instill self-motivation through the collective consciousness of our journey! Abibifahodie! 

 "He who does not cultivate his field, will die of hunger."    -Afrikan Proverb​

Some of the many benefits of joining include:

  • Online Bi-monthly Newsletter with Important Articles, Resources, and Updates
  • Global Homeschooling and Education Network
  • Curriculum Materials and Recommendations for All Academic Subjects and Life Areas
  • Discounts on Strategic Socialization  Network activities for Youth: Gatherings, Field Trips, Events, and Travel and More
  • Access to Online Watoto world: Educational Games and Skill Building Activities
  • Reading List
  • Consultations
  • Receive Discounts on Many Books and DVDs
  • Receive Discounts on Various Conferences, Workshops, and Lectures Globally
  • Receive Discounts Off Attendance or Vending at The Annual Black Homeschool and Education Expo!
  • Receive Discounted and/or Complimentary Tele-workshops
  • Receive Discounted Online Lectures, Classes, Workshops
  • A Global Support Network
  • Sankofa Scholars: Inspiring Youth Achievements
  • And Much More

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

4th Reason to Register for the Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo

There are 4 days until the commencement of the Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo. Excitement builds as the weekend approaches! Here's the 4th reason why you should register, share our info and attend:

There are tons of goodies and extras in store for you! There is a Black Book Fair. Come and experience an array of books specifically suitable for Black/Afrikan children and families. Purchase a selection of culturally specific literary works, workbooks, etc. for this upcoming school year and to add to your home collection. Meet authors from near and far, who have chosen to lend their literary talents to the upliftment of our people. Book signings will be all weekend. Also, don't forget to register for the Liberated Minds Sankofa Scholars Royal Literary Gift Pack.  

There will also be free school supplies

And a host of exhibitors to explore:

A Goddess Journey

African Creation Energy
African Gifts

Akoben House & Akoben Institute

Akoko Nan Homeschool Resource Center 

African History Network 

 Atlanta CARES

Aviation Career Enrichment Academy 

Aya Educational Institute 
 Axum Culture

Bandele Publications 

Better Marketing Mastery

Blessings Not Curses

ByrdFood Catering
ComproTax ATL

C.P.S. & Associates

Delightful Treats 


Hustle University 

Kamali Academy

Kibolebole Educational Institute

Liberated Minds Black Homeschool & Education Association

Lotus Element

Mr. Cardiotonenterprises...Kidz Fit Academy

My Teacher Transformation

Natural Essence Wellness
Nsoromma School

Oh, Soul Divine Catering

One World Art "Jah Peeps Collection"

Oshetura Institute

Roots to Fruits Childrens Natural Health & Cultural Arts Center

Sankofa Ashe

Senada Marketing
Shyaam Empire

Sweet Honeysuckle Soul Catering

The Afrikan Living Foods & Indigenous Wellness Institute

The Historic Journey Resource Curriculum

The Math Doctor
Young Royal-T Enterprises

Monday, July 15, 2013

5th Reason to Register for the Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo

There are 5 days until the Liberated Mind Black Homeschool and Education Expo and today we are highlighting reason number 5 you should register, share with your friends and attend the Expo/

The Expo is a family event; which means that there's something for youths and adults. Have you ever heard of a Watoto Fun Factory? It is a safe and fun place to leave your children at the Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo if you'd like to have time to fully concentrate on the presentations and exhibitors. There will be a full schedule of educational activities and edutainment by special guests. Activities will include arts and crafts, science creations, music and movement, Afrikan storytelling, moonbounce, and more. 


We have professional well-trained and sensible staff at all times with the additional assistance of volunteers. However, we deserve the right to decide if a child may be uncomfortable in the Watoto Fun Factory setting or if they are a safety factor to themselves or others.

Admission Pricing
*Under 4 years must be accompanied by adult. Admission is free for children under 4 plus adult. No youth as guardians please. Please be advised, the Watoto Fun Factory is on a first come, first serve basis based on capacity. We do not guarantee space availability. 

Age 4-11....................$3 per hour
              ...................$15 per day
              ...................$25 weekend pass

**Moonbouncer extra fee

Jumps For Fun

A Goddess Journey

Science Creations

Sunday, July 14, 2013

6th Reason to Register for the Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo

The Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo is 6 days away. We've been counting down the reasons why you should register, share our links with your friends and attend. Here's the 6th reason:

We as parents and educators have come to understand that education does not solely revolve around the basic subjects of reading, writing and arithmatics. A truly educated person will have had exposure to a variety of applicable materials and knowledge bases. He/She will have also learned the importance of learning, in and of itself. 

The topics for presentations at the Expo are incredible diverse and enriching AND they many of them are 'outside the box' in terms of the basics. The bottom line is, in the world we live in today, the youths need a variety of skills and enhanced common sense knowledge. Here's a few of the topics:

  • Lubrication for Liberation: Teaching our Children Conflict Resolution
  • Manhood In the Making: How to Groom the Next Generation of Warriors
  • Keeping Black Children Safe: Pedophiles, Home Invasions, Gangs & Gunfire
  • Life Education: Infusing Life Skills & Experiences in the Education of our Youth

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Saturday, July 13, 2013

7th Reason to Register for the Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo

There are 7 days until the Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo and here's the 7th reason why you should register:

The weekend will indeed be an incredibly uplifting experience, but did you know that the fun doesn't stop there? After the Expo there will be ongoing follow-up teleconferences and other activities throughout the year until summer's Expo. The teleconferences will build upon what was covered at the Expo, therefore, your registration is the gift that keeps on giving. We don't plan to leave you without ongoing support and upliftment!

Register today!

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