I was overjoyed by a post from an up and coming Youth Leader from Azania (South Afrika) named Malaika Wa Azania. This is why we do what we do.
"One of the greatest injustices that our parents are doing to
us as young Afrikan children is failing to empower us to be confident people. I
have seen young, gifted Afrikans being subjected to having their White peers
dominating them, not because our own are incompetent, but because we lack the
confidence to demand our rightful place in the human race.
I would sit in lectures last year, listening to White students raising intellectually lazy arguments with a lot of confidence. But our own Afrikan students would sink into their chairs, afraid to speak, terrified that they would sound "stupid" infront of a lecture hall full of their blonde haired, blue eyed peers. But when you engage these students one on one, you'd discover the extraordinary dynamism of their views. The same in the workplace. Our people continue to allow themselves to be bullied by their Whites counterparts, even those junior to them, because of the lack of confidence in our own humanity, in our own worth.
This is precisely the reason why our children are developing these fake accents and trying their utmost best to emulate their White peers. This is why we have 13 year olds running around in weaves and colour contact lenses. They want to fit in, but fitting in to them means using Whiteness as a yardstick by which to measure greatness, it means bending over backwards to accommodate their White peers. But why do our kids do this? It's because we lack confidence in our own humanness. We seek approval from others because we don't think we are worthy.
I beg, I plead with those of you who are parents, teach your children to be confident. Teach them to never bow down to the dictates of White supremacy. Teach them about our Afrikan history in a way that they know that Afrika has not always been a victim of colonialism. Teach them about the cities we were building long before settlers arrived. Teach them about Mapungubwe and Great Zimbabwe. Teach them about warrior men and women who mother and father the soil on which we walk, they who were farming long before agriculture was an academic science. Teach them about Afrika's triumphs so that they know that we are not a nation of failures, so that they know that we are great people, so that they know that they need not accept the indignity of being treated as if they are inferior. I plead with parents, don't let your children grow up lacking confidence in their humanness. Without confidence, without knowing who we are and what we represent, we are doomed to remain in chains of servitude, because White supremacy feeds on Black inferiority. The most potent weapon in the perpetuation of White supremacy is our acceptance of Black inferiority."
I would sit in lectures last year, listening to White students raising intellectually lazy arguments with a lot of confidence. But our own Afrikan students would sink into their chairs, afraid to speak, terrified that they would sound "stupid" infront of a lecture hall full of their blonde haired, blue eyed peers. But when you engage these students one on one, you'd discover the extraordinary dynamism of their views. The same in the workplace. Our people continue to allow themselves to be bullied by their Whites counterparts, even those junior to them, because of the lack of confidence in our own humanity, in our own worth.
This is precisely the reason why our children are developing these fake accents and trying their utmost best to emulate their White peers. This is why we have 13 year olds running around in weaves and colour contact lenses. They want to fit in, but fitting in to them means using Whiteness as a yardstick by which to measure greatness, it means bending over backwards to accommodate their White peers. But why do our kids do this? It's because we lack confidence in our own humanness. We seek approval from others because we don't think we are worthy.
I beg, I plead with those of you who are parents, teach your children to be confident. Teach them to never bow down to the dictates of White supremacy. Teach them about our Afrikan history in a way that they know that Afrika has not always been a victim of colonialism. Teach them about the cities we were building long before settlers arrived. Teach them about Mapungubwe and Great Zimbabwe. Teach them about warrior men and women who mother and father the soil on which we walk, they who were farming long before agriculture was an academic science. Teach them about Afrika's triumphs so that they know that we are not a nation of failures, so that they know that we are great people, so that they know that they need not accept the indignity of being treated as if they are inferior. I plead with parents, don't let your children grow up lacking confidence in their humanness. Without confidence, without knowing who we are and what we represent, we are doomed to remain in chains of servitude, because White supremacy feeds on Black inferiority. The most potent weapon in the perpetuation of White supremacy is our acceptance of Black inferiority."
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