Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Plea to Empower Our Youths with Confidence

I was overjoyed by a post from an up and coming Youth Leader from Azania (South Afrika) named Malaika Wa Azania. This is why we do what we do. 

"One of the greatest injustices that our parents are doing to us as young Afrikan children is failing to empower us to be confident people. I have seen young, gifted Afrikans being subjected to having their White peers dominating them, not because our own are incompetent, but because we lack the confidence to demand our rightful place in the human race.

I would sit in lectures last year, listening to White students raising intellectually lazy arguments with a lot of confidence. But our own Afrikan students would sink into their chairs, afraid to speak, terrified that they would sound "stupid" infront of a lecture hall full of their blonde haired, blue eyed peers. But when you engage these students one on one, you'd discover the extraordinary dynamism of their views. The same in the workplace. Our people continue to allow themselves to be bullied by their Whites counterparts, even those junior to them, because of the lack of confidence in our own humanity, in our own worth.

This is precisely the reason why our children are developing these fake accents and trying their utmost best to emulate their White peers. This is why we have 13 year olds running around in weaves and colour contact lenses. They want to fit in, but fitting in to them means using Whiteness as a yardstick by which to measure greatness, it means bending over backwards to accommodate their White peers. But why do our kids do this? It's because we lack confidence in our own humanness. We seek approval from others because we don't think we are worthy.

I beg, I plead with those of you who are parents, teach your children to be confident. Teach them to never bow down to the dictates of White supremacy. Teach them about our Afrikan history in a way that they know that Afrika has not always been a victim of colonialism. Teach them about the cities we were building long before settlers arrived. Teach them about Mapungubwe and Great Zimbabwe. Teach them about warrior men and women who mother and father the soil on which we walk, they who were farming long before agriculture was an academic science. Teach them about Afrika's triumphs so that they know that we are not a nation of failures, so that they know that we are great people, so that they know that they need not accept the indignity of being treated as if they are inferior. I plead with parents, don't let your children grow up lacking confidence in their humanness. Without confidence, without knowing who we are and what we represent, we are doomed to remain in chains of servitude, because White supremacy feeds on Black inferiority. The most potent weapon in the perpetuation of White supremacy is our acceptance of Black inferiority."

Important links:

There are group rates (Email or call 678.368.8593)

Hotel discount rates.

Volunteer opportunities.

And more!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

We Are All Connected

I'm sure you've heard it before. It's a phrase that sounds really good. Intellectually we 'understand' it. We may have repeated it from time to time to others. But what does it really mean to experience connectivity? Many of us homeschooling families are busy with day to day schedules, schooling, family life and extra curricular activity. Days turn into weeks, into months and sometimes we have those still moments where we realize that we've not connected, truly connected, with like-minded people in a long time. Unless we are part of a homeschooling co-op or loosely connected group, we may rarely have the time to regenerate, renew our commitment, or receive fresh insight from others who are walking the same path. 

The Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo is here to fill that void. Come and be amongst your fellow soldiers on a mission to educate our youths in a proper, more holistic way. The Expo weekend has so much to offer, so many activities to enjoy that you surely won't regret it. There are homeschool conventions and events but there are none that are specifically relevant to our needs. It's time to uplift ourselves and make those connections that provide lasting benefits!

Here's a discussion by Umar Johnson I think you'll appreciate:

Important links:

There are group rates (Email or call 678.368.8593)

Hotel discount rates.

Volunteer opportunities.

And more!

Monday, June 24, 2013

What to Expect at the Liberated Minds Expo

When you arrive, expect to be greeted by an energy like none you have ever experienced. Like minded people of Afrikan descent who have all come together for one common cause: the SUCCESS OF OUR CHILDREN! As you visit the exhibitors, you will be amazed at the variety of Black- owned businesses and institutions that have been established simply for the education and benefit of our youth and families. A Black Book Fair! Fantastic Food! Powerful Networking with a purpose as you meet with other parents, homeschoolers, and educators and begin to build lifetime bridges and relationships. Laugh, enjoy, and be at peace with your children being a part of our Watoto Fun Factory for an all-day activity blast filled with educational programming and excitement! Come grab a seat in some of the most incredible training sessions you will find given by our top scholars and experience yourself becoming the competent and confident educator beyond what you could have ever imagined! 

Did you know???

There are group rates (Email or call 678.368.8593)

Hotel discount rates.

Volunteer opportunities.

And more!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Up for the Challenge!

"Kids really need to know how to recognize and challenge the assumption that everyone who acts like an authority is an authority, because so many people masquerade as authorities around them. Not only television shows and newspapers and schoolteachers, but we get authoritarian statements from everywhere. That doesn't mean you have to be rude or ill-mannered, but you really need to be able to see what the assumption is behind what someone else wants you to do, and then how to challenge that assumption, how to test it." 
~ John Taylor Gatto

We need well educated youths practiced in the fine art of thinking for themselves. They need better tools to navigate the world of today and the Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo will affirm and edify your decision to take your youths education into your own hands.

We have plenty of links to inform you about the event:

There are group rates (Email or call 678.368.8593)

Hotel discount rates.

Volunteer opportunities.

And more!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Black Americans Fastest Growing Segment of Homeschooling

Watch Video

Nationwide, more and more families are choosing to home school their children each year, and the fastest growing segment of the home school movement is African-Americans, experts say. Some 220,000 black children are home-schooled, according to one estimate.

“Each one of them has excelled so much, and I can see it,” Kisha Hayes, of Baton Rouge, La., says of her three children, whom she began home-schooling five years ago. “I can see the difference in their learning.”

Alkinee Jackson, also of Baton Rouge, began home-schooling her five children after she and her husband saw the attitude and behavior of their oldest son, Alante, worsen. He was only in second grade.

“If we allowed him to continue to be there and be influenced, by the time he reached high school he’d already be gone; and we know where he’d end up,” Jackson said.
Nationwide, home-schooling grew from 1.7 percent of the school-age population in 1999 to 2.9 percent in 2007, according to the U.S. Department of Education. The total number of kids being home-schooled has more than doubled since 1999 to more than two million, according to estimates. Some 220,000 of those students are African-American, according to The National Home Education Research Institute.

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Understanding the Origins of the Public School System In America & the Necessity of Afrikan-centered Education

Many parents of Afrikan descent are disgruntled with the education that their children are receiving in the public school system. But is it in fact possible that the public school system is doing exactly as it was designed to do? Examine your reasons for ever believing in public education. Do those reasons come from sensible facts or what you were programmed to believe through propaganda and other intimate factors? If we truly research the origins of the public school system, we will discover that it was never designed for the individual success of anyone unless that individual was dedicated, consciously or unconsciously to the perpetuation of the over all goals of the European Systematic Structure. 

The public school culture regardless of what socio-economic neighborhood, remains anti-Afrikan because it will never stray from that in which it was founded. Below, check out a short video on the origins of compulsory education and some interesting facts that may help you to understand why the system is failing our children. I recommend that you take notes and do further research on some of the people, places, and occurrences noted in the video. 

Please take into account that while watching the video, this information is even more detrimental to Afrikan/Black people because we are valued less, if at all by a system that continues to impose a mental slavery upon our young one's minds. Study the School to Prison Pipeline and more for substantiation. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

8 Reasons to Attend the Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo

This is a conference that transforms you into a competent and confident educator of our Children

  1. Learn how to prepare your child to become successful regardless of the challenges life will throw their way
  2. Get the scoop on all the best options for educating your child who is struggling in the system
  3. Connect with the brightest minds in home school education today
  4. Access cultural resources for young children including books games and posters
  5. Receive high level training from experts in the field of Independent Education
  6. Connect with the best people to get you clear on what to do to empower your child
  7. Tap into great support systems - No one can do it alone. It still takes a village
  8. Discover the world of alternative methods for raising children who are educated and committed to producing excellence.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Solutions for the Naysayers

The 2013 Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo was created for the express purpose of relieving your questions and concerns about homeschooling. We understand that it can be challenging for both newbie and experienced homeschooling parents. It doesn't help when acquaintances, family and/or friends are less than supportive of your decisions. Here is a network of articles you can comb through for ideas and resources:

"The bloggers of iHomeschool Network have joined forces to share their thoughts, this time discrediting the most commonly used reasons why a mom can’t homeschool. In this link-up, you will see reasons that you’ve heard others give and probably a few that you have thought of yourself. The good news is that it is possible to overcome each of these objections to homeschooling and successfully teach your children at home. Please be encouraged that you are not alone in thinking you can’t homeschool. But you can!"

(Click on the photo to read the article)

Like us on Facebook and help spread the word!

Our children need Civilization not Socialization

Homeschooling parents are often asked about their children's need for socialization. The questions are usually along the lines of:

"But what about their need to socialize with other children?"
"Shouldn't they learn to interact with others?"
"Won't they be socially inept?"

One of our presenters at the 2013 Liberated Mind Black Homeschool and Education Expo, Dr. Samori Camara, has provided a more than adequate response to such questions. In the video below, he says, "Our children need Afrikan civilization, not socialization." This video expresses the spirit of our Expo. It is our intention to provide inspiration, information and many resources for Black homeschooling families. We look forward to seeing you July 19-21st in Atlanta, Ga!

Like us on Facebook and help spread the word!

Friday, June 14, 2013

That Notorious Chapter on Slavery

Public schools have damaged the psyche of our youths in more ways than we can count and the notorious chapter or two on slavery is, by far, at the top of our laundry list of issues with institutional education. I'm quite sure you can remember those days, during elementary or middle school, when black history was discussed in the midst of American history. The range of emotions we experienced when being informed about our 'history' often left a legacy of anger, shame and hurt. Those few chapters barely scrape the surface of what really happened during slavery and there is a glaring lack of information about the history of African people prior to the middle passage. 

Antonio Buehler accurately summed up the solution in his article 'Why Black Kids Should Be Homeschooled':

"Homeschooling allows black children to develop in a manner which emphasizes their worth as individuals and not their lack of worth as members of an unfavored racial group. When they learn to read they can do so in a way that is relevant to them, and not in a way that is prescribed by bureaucrats and special interest lobbyists. When they learn math they don’t have to deal with a teacher who assumes the least of them. When they study history, black children can learn about all the inspirational men and women who aren’t prioritized in the Euro-centric curriculum of public schools. Instead of being told how stupid they are or how little is expected of them, they can be free to develop their unique talents to the best of their abilities." (

The Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo will provide families with all the resources they need to educate their children in the best possible way. We look forward to seeing you!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

We have LOTS to share with you! Here are 2 ways to connect

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Homeschooling is the ELEVATED choice

The exodus from the public school system has been increasing on a yearly basis and homeschooling has become THE elevated choice for Black/Afrikan families. However, once the decision has been made, families are often at a loss for where to start. The idea is appealing but the execution can feel like a HUGE undertaking. Fortunately there are an increasing number of  resources available to help families implement and maintain a positive and effective homeschooling program. We'd like to assist families in this meaningful and abundantly rewarding path to education. The Expo was created with you in mind. We've made available a large variety of information, tools and resources to boost your worthy efforts to provide positive educational balance for your family:

* value-packed presentations from scholars
* free personal consultations on everything from preconception, health and wellness, to college planning, scholarships
* dynamic exhibitors such as after-school and extracurricular programs, cultural institutions, summer enrichment and camps, classes, tutoring services, disability resources, homeschool support groups, cultural educational learning materials, employment opportunities
* awesome parent/teacher training workshops
* Watoto Village for children
* Black Book fair offering reading choices of substance.

Like us on Facebook and spread the word!

Monday, June 10, 2013

2013 Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Expo

Get excited about homeschooling and the education of our children! The Liberated Minds Black Homeschool and Education Association & Roots to Fruits take honor in inviting you to the much anticipated 2nd Annual Black Homeschool and Education Expo. This will all take place just minutes outside of the  historic city of Atlanta, GA at the Omega World Event Center from July 19-21, 2013. Based on last year's incredible turnout,  we are planning for 1000 plus participants.  There is no other education expo in the world that enables you to gather powerful resources, information, knowledge, and tools regarding the wholistic development of Black/Afrikan youth. This will prove to be a revolutionizing weekend, specifically designed for you.